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Mobile App Design

A bootstrapped redesign and development

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As part of the Sontiq IIS platform, we knew we wanted to extend access to our services both on mobile browsers and with a dedicated app. We had an older version that was very clunky both in architecture and in the design and, frankly, it saw very little use due in large part to that.

I didn't have much runway or room on the roadmap to conduct a complete overhaul but I had an interested colleague on the development side that was learning React Native on the side and together we pitched a design and build for a new app while working on other projects.

After we made some progress, a few more resources were brought in to speed up the development and roll it out.

Almost all of the functionality of the web application is feasible within the mobile app. Only limitations were around upgrading and downgrading plans and hurdles Apple introduces with things like that.


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